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Media Coverage of
the 8th Street Shul
Date Source Summary GO
May 17 Jewish Press "From Fire To Fire — Thre 8th Street Shul Ignites Yiddishkeit." GO
May 10 Jewish Press "Bobover rebbe Fosters Rejuvenation of Lower East Side Shul." GO
Apr. 12 Forward "Synagogue Squatters: Even as a controversy simmers over the future of a synagogue on East Eighth Street, a group of believers us continuing to hold Jewish activities there....Mr. Feldman has the support of the synagogue's last acaretaker, Moishe Fogel, who suffered a stroke serveral years ago." GO
East Villager "Neighbor seeks to save synagogue"..."Since last Friday, Ralph Feldman has bgeen barricated inside a building at 317 E. 8th St, that used to serve  as the synagogue for GB'nai Moses Joseph Anshei Sawichost Vzusmer [sic] congregation. Feldman, who says he has invested about $100,000 and many hours of work over the past few years to renovate the decrepit building, has been joined by Claytoin Patterson, a Lower East Soide activist, and [Yitzhak] Isaac Fried, a rabbi." Picture: Ralph Feldman with Torah. GO
Mar 24 NY Times Occupier of Synagogue Expresses a Deep Longing" (Letter to editor from Dera Gonsher Vinik, who produced the documentary "Embgracing Judaism". GO
Mar. 1 Algemeiner Journal "Squatters Lock Themselves in Synagogue on Lower East Side of Manhattan" GO
Mar. Boro Park Voice "Will the Old Shul on the Lower East  Side Survive?" (In Yiddish). GO
Feb. 25 NY Times "Mitzvah vs. Chutzpah: Guerrilla Mr. Fix-it Occupies Temple." With picture of Ralph Feldman and Clayton patterson hanging banner from roof: "OCCUPIED, NOT FOR SALE< SAVE THE 8TH ST. SHUL". GO
Sep. 3 El Diario "We approach one of those buildings. It appears to be a synagogue by its archdes and its central stained-glass window. It is a narrow building, and abandoned. just the lively side of Ralph Feldman, a gray-bearded angular-faced Jew with thickly-bgound small-lense eyeglasses, and who dressed in work horse with a cap with a visor." (In Spanish). GO
Sep. Jewish Week "As if on a mission from above, one man labors to restore a crumbling shul on East 8th Street. Will the buil;ding gbe sold before his work is done?" GO